When I first started using coconut oil, I was trying to find a substitute for olive and vegetable oil in recipes. I never realized how many uses coconut oil actually has. I made a list of some of the amazing things that you can do with this one simple and natural product!
Massage Oil- Coconut oil soothe tired and sore muscles. You can add a few drop of essential oils too!
Acne- Coconut oil gently fights the bacteria that causes acne. Dab it directly on the pimple and watch it shrink.
Athletes Foot- The powerful antifungal properties of coconut oil make it perfect for any fungal infection. Add a few drops of oregano or tea tree oil for more antifungal power.
Lice- Coconut oil kills and removes lice from your hair.
Moisturizer- Use the oil to soften and hydrate dry, rough or damaged skin.
Face Scrub- Mix coconut oil with baking soda, sugar, or cinnamon and oatmeal for the perfect face scrub and exfoliator.
Dandruff- Massage coconut oil into the scalp to ease symptoms of dandruff, both itching and flaking.
Wrinkles- Rub coconut oil into lines, creases, and wrinkles to rehydrate your skin and soften those wrinkles away.
Sore Throat- Dissolve a spoonful in your mouth and let it slowly roll down your throat. This will coat and protect your throat, boost the health of mucus membranes, and fight any infection.
Gum Removal- Coconut oil gets the sticky stuff out of hair, carpet and anywhere else it doesn't belong.
Lip Balm- Coconut oil hydrates and protects lips. Coconut oil even offers some protection from the sun, about an SPF 4.
Do you know other ways to use coconut oil? If you do, I would love to add it to my list! Please tag @hbgcommunity and use the hashtags #hbggirls and #hbgblog so we can all share ideas.